Here is the glory and trajectory of the immortal Yokozuna Taiho.Teshikaga-cho Kawayu Onsen is the hometown where Taiho, the 48th yokozuna, who is praised as an immortal yokozuna, spent his childhood and nurtured his big dreams.32 wins champions , including 8 wins champions without any losed, 2 wins in a row of six places, and the winning streak record is 45 times, second only to Futabayama's 69 times. In the hall, Taiho's achievements, which set many monumental achievements in sumo history, will be passed on to future generations. , In addition to all the winning plaques and make-up, photos from boyhood, photos of successive yokozuna are packed. In particular, movies with famous battles and famous scenes are powerful and worth seeing.
这里是不朽的知名横纲-大鹏的荣耀与轨迹之地。弟子屈町川汤温泉是被誉为不朽的知名横纲-第 48 代横纲大鹏度过童年并孕育远大梦想的故乡。优胜32次,其中8次是全胜优胜,2次是六个场所连续优胜,连胜记录为45次,仅次于双叶山的69次。在此馆内,您可看到在相扑历史上立下许多丰功伟绩的大鹏之伟业,除了所有的获奖牌匾和妆容,小时候的照片,历代横纲的照片…等留传于后代。尤其是名战名场的电影,气势磅礴,值得一看。
這裡是不朽的知名橫綱-大鵬的榮耀與軌跡之地。弟子屈町川湯溫泉是被譽為不朽的知名橫綱-第 48 代橫綱大鵬度過童年並孕育遠大夢想的故鄉。優勝32次,其中8次是全勝優勝,2次是六個場所連續優勝,連勝記錄為45次,僅次於雙葉山的69次。在此館內,您可看到在相撲歷史上立下許多豐功偉績的大鵬之偉業,除了所有的獲獎牌匾和妝容,小時候的照片,歷代橫綱的照片…等留傳於後代。 尤其是名戰名場的電影,氣勢磅礴,值得一看。
Recommand Point:
JR川湯温泉駅 JR Kawayu Onsen Station JR川汤温泉站 JR川湯溫泉站