Ohayō (おはよう) or ohayō gozaimasu (おはようございます): Good morning早上好
Konbanwa (こんばんは): Good evening 晚上好
Sayōnara (さようなら): Goodby 再見
Arigatō gozaimasu (ありがとうございます): Thank you 谢谢 謝謝
Hai/iie (はい/いいえ): Yes/No 是/否
Sumimasen (すみません): Excuse me 打扰一下 打擾一下
Kore wa ikura desuka? (これはいくらですか?): How much does this cost? 这个要多少钱?這個要多少錢?
Kore wa nan desu ka? (これはなんですか?): What is this? 这是什么? 這是什麼?
Etiquette in Japan
(1) While eating: holding the bowl just right
(1) 边吃边拿碗恰到好处<
(1) 邊吃邊拿碗恰到好處
It is proper etiquette to hold up the chawan (tea bowl) and the wan (wooden bowl) while eating.
(2) Chopstick etiquette
(2) 筷子礼仪
(2) 筷子禮儀
Actions like piercing your food with chopsticks, wondering what to choose next while holding the chopsticks, and sucking the chopsticks are all considered bad behavior.
(3) Don't make too much noise with the dishes
(3) 餐具不要发出太大声响
(3) 餐具不要發出太大聲響
It is considered bad manners to handle your dishes carelessly and noisily.