

Wakoto Peninsula / 和琴半岛 / 和琴半島

The Wakoto Peninsula is shaped like a gourd in half and juts out to the south of Lake Kussharo. It is a mysterious place where the geothermal heat is high and you can feel the heartbeat of the earth. The “Wakoto Nature Sightseeing Trail” is about 2.5km, and you can go around the peninsula while looking out at the cobalt blue lake. Along the path of the rich forest where large trees such as giant katsura trees are enshrined, not only is the sound of the wind blowing across the lake and the singing of insects such as min-min cicadas designated as a natural monument soothing, but you can also see precious alpine plants up close. It is also popular as Flower Alley. At the tip, you can see the "Oyakotsu Jigoku" where fumaroles rise from the earth, and you can feel the breath of the earth.There are two campsites on the peninsula that are always crowded with people enjoying canoeing, fishing, and playing in the water during the summer, as well as open-air baths that anyone can use for free.
和琴半岛呈半葫芦状,突出于屈斜路湖南侧。 这是一个神秘的地方,地热很高,你可以感受到地球的心跳。 “和琴自然观光步道”全长约2.5km,可以一边眺望钴蓝色的湖水,一边环游半岛。 沿着参天大桂树等参天大树供奉的茂盛森林小径,不仅可以听到湖面上吹过的风声和被指定为天然纪念物的蝉鸣等昆虫的歌声,还能让您心情舒畅,还可以近距离观赏珍贵的高山植物,作为花巷也很受欢迎。 在顶端可以看到喷气孔从大地升起的“亲子地狱”,可以感受到大地的气息。半岛上有两个露营地,夏季时常有人来划独木舟、钓鱼、戏水,还有任何人都可以免费使用的露天浴池。
和琴半島呈半葫蘆狀,突出於屈斜路湖南側。 這是一個神秘的地方,地熱很高,你可以感受到地球的心跳。 “和琴自然觀光步道”全長約2.5km,可以一邊眺望鈷藍色的湖水,一邊環遊半島。 沿著參天大桂樹等參天大樹供奉的茂盛森林小徑,不僅可以聽到湖面上吹過的風聲和被指定為天然紀念物的蟬鳴等昆蟲的歌聲,還能讓您心情舒暢,還可以近距離觀賞珍貴的高山植物,作為花巷也很受歡迎。 在頂端可以看到噴氣孔從大地升起的“親子地獄”,可以感受到大地的氣息。半島上有兩個露營地,夏季時常有人來劃獨木舟、釣魚、戲水,還有任何人都可以免費使用的露天浴池。

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